The UK unmarried partner visa is for those couples who are not married or in a civil partnership, but who are in a serious relationship, similar to marriage or civil partnership, and have been for at least 2-years prior to the application date.
It is not required for the couple to be married or in a civil-partnership, and nor is it required for the couple to intend to marry. Recent rules changes set out in December 2023, dropped references to 'co-habitation' in the wording of the Immigration Rules. So it is now possible for couples to be successful on this route, whereby they live in different countries, and have no co-habitation evidence. However, it remains the case that in lieu of cohabitation evidence, a couple must demonstrate that they have been in a relationship, "similar to marriage or civil-partnership for at least 2-years".
The remainder of the requirements for the unmarried partner visa are the same as for a spouse visa, including the financial requirements.
You can find a more detailed explanation of the differences and considerations when choosing between the spouse, fiancé, unmarried partner, and marriage-visit visas, here: UK Family visas - What's the difference between them? (
The financial requirement is the most complex part of the application, and also the most important. It can be met in various different ways, so it's difficult to summarize in a just a few bullet points. But by way of an overview:
If you need help with an application, please contact us and we would be happy to help.
O&S Immigration is a trading name of Owl and Snake Immigration Ltd. We are regulated by the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA), registration number F201900008. Private limited company registered in England and Wales: 13111468. Registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO): ZB418255. Registered with the Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA): 9034
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